378 : Craig Cody – It takes a plan to reduce your ecommerce taxes – Take it from a CPA

By Stephen Peterson | March 4, 2019 |

How much did you pay in taxes in 2018? Was it less than 2017? If so was it due to you planning or making less money? What if you could make more profit (after tax) with lower revenue? Could you? According to Craig you can . With a plan. Check out his free checklist (e-book)…

377 : Aaron Walker – He wants to help you change your View from the Top

By Stephen Peterson | February 25, 2019 |

Have you been looking for the right atmosphere to be honest? Really honest? Can you tell others when things are NOT going right? See Aaron will tell you we are not wired this way. We wear a mask, a front. Everything is great. Everything is right on target. I don’t need any help. Yet inside,…

376 : Jeremy Nicholson – Amazing Amazon Product Videos come from years of training. Your past will lead your future if you let it.

By Stephen Peterson | February 17, 2019 |

Great story of finding ecommerce and then finding your lane within it. All the learning you do in this business is valuable. Do you still wonder where you fit in? Are you a seller only? Are you a number two who loves logistics yet hates selling? Are you a marketer who can sell anything? Or…

375 : Fred McKinnon – The key to get through challenges is multiple streams of income

By Stephen Peterson | February 11, 2019 |

Could you get through a major challenge with your business right now? How about two? three? Fred will explain how he has ..so far! He will tell you that knowing your numbers is the key to weather upcoming storms. Seeing the upcoming problems and adjusting to handle them will get you through, up and over…

374 : Jay Bayne – You must have the proper mindset to take advantage of where you are

By Stephen Peterson | February 4, 2019 |

Wise words from Jay for sure. Why does success come so easy for some and seems so hard for others? Perspective and self awareness. See you had a past, that past has lessons you have learned. Mountains you have climbed. Issues you got past. Those things can help you on your path to success. Your…