440 : Kellon Ambrose – Some things just work – How foundation building on Amazon brings results
Again another super smart, no-excuses seller who figured stuff out. Building out what you figured out seems smart enough, but avoiding shiny object syndrome (seems most sellers have this gene!) and staying focused, has brought Kellon incredible results. Kellon’s previous episode for context: https://ecommercemomentum.com/episodes/319-kellon-ambrose-gaining-slight-edge-can-make-difference-amazon-business/
439 : Matthew DeGlopper – Manage your cash or it will manage you – Practical steps to improve everyday
438 : Jamison Philippi – Small changes repeated everyday to become a 7 figure seller
Jamison tells us his biggest secret….. He changed his perspective. He realized the things that were holding him back and slowly changed them. Not overnight mind you, slowly he adjusted over time. That can stick. Think of that last diet you were on. You cut out all the good things and guess what. It likely…