434 : Lloyd Nohl – Keep pushing and do it – Selling ecommerce and retail in this environment
433 : Lou Borella – It’s all about relationships
429 : Paul Retherford Scanpower – Don’t lose your bread and butter focus when scaling your business
428 : Stephen & Nick Peterson – Pivoting, spinning, adjusting and surviving challenging times
How does the phrase go? “May you live in interesting times?” Well here we are. Very challenging to say the least. I see so many sellers struggling (us included). The day Amazon announced no more “non-essential” inventory could be sent in our account went under review. Scary times became even more scary for sure. Just…
426 : Mendy Lipszyc – Take stock of the skills you are learning on Amazon – They might come in handy
So, good lede? Yes Mendy does not sell on Amazon any longer. (He might come back someday) But he honed some pretty strong skills and took advantage of them to find (create) an opportunity after Amazon. Great episode if you want to find out with people who you know longer see posting in the Facebook…