428 : Stephen & Nick Peterson – Pivoting, spinning, adjusting and surviving challenging times
How does the phrase go? “May you live in interesting times?” Well here we are. Very challenging to say the least. I see so many sellers struggling (us included). The day Amazon announced no more “non-essential” inventory could be sent in our account went under review. Scary times became even more scary for sure. Just…
420 : Kate Rouleau – Build a trusted network, get advice, get your financial house in order and then bring your husband home
419 : Kathy Terrill – Utilize ebay’s Global Shipping to test your Amazon Products overseas
417 : Stephen Peterson – Updates on our business, warehouse and we introduce two new staffers
413 : Jeff Cohen – Decide whether to pivot or persevere based on risk tolerance to be successfully selling on Amazon
Jeff’s point needs to be taken to heart. Challenges to your business will come whether you like it or not. The successful entrepreneurs have the ability to push past, take advantage of or pivot their actions and therefore their businesses when needed. Sometimes it can be daily. That’s why this business is not for the…