This eCommerce stuff is hard!

easy button x

Yes I said it, I put it out there. Do you think that you can make millions working four hours a week with no stress from an island in the Pacific? 

It doesn't happen, it won't happen for me as I am not that good! We all know it is easy for anyone to have a glimmer of success buying end cap clearance stuff.  Or finding a pallet of Lego© Architecture sets from the back of a warehouse for next to nothing! That's luck, that's looking under enough rocks to find the eventual snake. Quick success happens to everyone. We have all strutted away from a store with your fist pumping saying "I just killed it!". That's the easy stuff, it falls in your lap just for walking in the store. Don't be mistaken, showing up is the cost to start, its the basic of the basic. Yes many people never show up, I get it, but we are talking about real success, not the showing up success. Not replacing a $25-35k job, you can make that working at Walmart or even more at Amazon as a warehouse staffer. Not a criticism but a reality check.

Remember the premise: I say this is hard! You CAN NOT make millions working four hours a week with no stress from an island in the Pacific! I stand by it. Where do you stand?



Here is how you read this complicated formula: Hard Work +Hard Work + Stress + Hard Work = Consistent Success


Funny thing is I have interviewed successful people who have sold many millions. It is important for us  to understand they are not making millions in profits without real effort. (Actually none of them are making millions, but at scale it is possible)

This takes real effort. This takes hard work. This takes continual refinement. This takes continuous improvement. Harder work, hiring/training incredible people to be even better (That's hard to do!)

Do you think you could do it? I want to know!


About the author, Stephen

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