249 : Rich Siok – Group approach to learning to sell on Ebay

rich photo

Rich (and Nila) have been helping others and allowing others to help him learn (just as much) how to sell on Ebay. He credits that group learning and their monthly meeting in helping them collectively grow their businesses. Would joining a meetup help you get consistency in your business? Would joining a meetup  help you get accountability…

094 : Peter Moelius – Amazing Flips & Tips by Analyzing the Marketplace and Falling in Love with what you buy! (He’s a Romantic!)

Peter Moelius

Peter Mentioned: Amazing Flips & Tips – AFT members cumulatively sold $50,000,000 on the Amazon marketplace in 2014. Our average AFT member had over $250,000+ gross revenues on Amazon in 2014. What other group can boast an average like that? None. In AFT we surround ourselves with the most successful peers available to create a win-win environment that…