Travel for business that can also cleanse your soul


I just got to my 6th or 7th meetup/trade show for this year. I think it is important to look to see if I get value for the hassle of traveling today. It really can be a hassle.

imageGetting to the place, parking hassles, airport delays, there is always a delay when I fly anymore. Then eating healthy in airports is difficult for me. I can consume several thousand calories without even thinking about it. Then getting your luggage back either on the ramp or from the belly of the plane. Then finding where your rental car, taxi or even where the uber pickup location has become a hassle now. Then checking into the hotel, getting settled, catching up on messages, emails, etc.

Okay, then the event, how to get there, who can I sit with, will they want to sit with me? Anyone else have those doubts? Then the challenge of lunch starts to wear on me. Where do I eat, will it be healthy and who can I sit with? Little personal note, I hate to eat alone, I feel isolated, unliked, I do not like it. (Be sure to ask me if you too don’t like to eat alone at the next event!)

Then in the early afternoon the same routine happens about dinner, so the emotions go up and down again. Finally I wonder what to do at night. I like to enjoy myself. I’m not an adventurer. I hate cigarette smoke. I don’t drink liquor (can drink lite beer). I never drink and drive and I worry about others I’m with, I also am a bit of a germaphobe and think about cleanliness. (Sharing too much?)image

I love to talk! So I started a podcast. The benefits of the podcast are I get to meet so many great people and they mention stuff I talked about on the show. That definitely helps with the conversation. Otherwise it sometimes gets awkward. After all I am a 50 something, love my wife and kids type of guy. I am not an adventurer. I don’t like cigarette smoke and I don’t drink liquor after-all (have I already said this?) Sometimes I have trouble relating to people. (I must have said this)

So after all that why do I go to shows and conferences? Why put myself through this and the potential stress it can cause?


I want a “Life” in my lifestyle business.

I want more than money. I know I only have so much time in this earth to build out my soul, my character, my friendships, my slice of life, and to make my dent in the universe. I need to be sure I made a difference, ever so small, I want to be loved, so I give love!




Maybe but if you have self doubt. If you have negativity in your life, if you face unhappiness sometimes you need to find love! I’m not talking romantically. That’s for someone else. I’m talking love for your fellow man (woman). I’m talking about being a friend to get friends. Its what Gary Vanyerchuk t giving 51% without any expectation of getting anything back. It is soul cleansing. It can change you and you can change others. You can be the one person who cared enough for that person in that moment who needed it.
Matter because it matters. Give and you be given, love and you will be loved. That’s why I go to these conferences and trade shows. I want to be a better me, a better friend, a better person.



I hope we had the chance to meet.

I hope we got to know each other better.

I hope I gave you something.

Maybe it was a just a smile? Maybe I offered you a little encouragement? Maybe we set up a future interview for my podcast.


If we didn’t meet this time, seek me out, I will be looking forward to it.



About the author, Stephen

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